DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office

DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office

The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) is responsible for oversight of the Department's sexual assault policy. SAPRO works hand-in-hand with the Services and the civilian community to develop and implement innovative prevention and response programs.


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Join the Sexual Assault Response Workforce (SARW)
The SARW provides trauma-informed and recovery-oriented support to victims of sexual violence in the DoD community. Click here to learn more and apply.
DoD Releases FY23 Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military
The DoD issued its congressionally mandated Annual Report on Sexual Assault in the Military on May 16, 2024. The FY23 Annual Report can be found here.
DoD Releases APY 2022-2023 MSA Report
The DoD issued its congressionally mandated Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies (MSA), Academic Program Year (APY) 2022-2023 on May 16, 2024. Find the MSA APY 22-23 report here.
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin Releases Message on SAAPM
Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III delivers a message to the force for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. Watch the video here.
SAPRTEC Course Catalog Now Available
The SAPRTEC Course Catalog is now available on SPARX Connection and VALIANT. The catalog offers a consolidated, comprehensive listing of SAPRO course offerings and more than 30 self-paced courses and webinars for SAPR professionals. To learn more and view the catalog click here.
VALIANT Community of Practice Launches for Sexual Assault Response Workforce
SAPRO is excited to announce the launch of VALIANT (Victim Advocates Learning, Innovating, and Networking Together), a new DoD online community of practice for Sexual Assault Response Workforce (SARW) personnel. To learn more and become a member, click here.
CATCH a Serial Offender Program Introduction Training Now Available on Joint Knowledge Online (JKO)
The CATCH a Serial Offender Program training provides a basic overview of the program. To learn more and participate in training, click here.
Sexual Violence Support Experiences Study (SVSES) Launches​
The SVSES allows the DoD to learn directly from Service members about their experiences with sexual violence, and specifically sexual assault. Information from the study will provide the DoD with information to inform improvements to SAPR programs and policies. To learn more and take the survey, click here.
SAPRO launches Men’s SAPR Campaign
SAPRO has launched the Men’s SAPR Campaign, designed to raise awareness of sexual assaults experienced by our male Service members. The campaign materials provide vital education, share important resources, and promote ongoing discussions of sexual assault and the spectrum of harm within the military.  More information about the campaign can be found here.
November 10, 2021 DSD Memo: Updates to SAPR Policy
The Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Updates to Department of Defense Policy and Procedures for the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program and Adult Sexual Assault Investigations,” establishes key updates to SAPR policies. Policy updates can be found here.
IRC Recommendations on Countering Sexual Assault in the Military
The Independent Review Commission (IRC) on Sexual Assault in the Military made 82 recommendations in four priority areas: accountability; prevention; climate and culture; and victim care and support. The full report of the IRC can be found here.
DoD Releases FY21-25 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Research Agenda
The FY21–25 DoD Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Research Agenda defines key research priorities to synchronize and focus the Department’s research on topics and methods that have the potential to result in short- and long-term improvements in sexual assault prevention and response in the Armed Forces. Learn more here.